Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Again...for the first time

Have you ever noticed that we get out of life what we put into it? Our jobs require us to give our best, our relationships ask that we give everything to them, our various duties and tasks demand our complete attention. It can be so exhausting! It seems that - sometimes - life gets in the way of life...

I remember when I was younger and full of dreams, vision, and excitement about the future, I promised myself that I would never lose these things. I vowed to "never grow up", if "growing up" meant that I must trade in my dreams for endless mundane tasks and banal duties. I had a goal, a direction for my life: I knew who I was in Christ and what He had made me for. But alas, as I entered into the world of marriage and family and being responsible for someone besides myself, I began to trade those dreams and visions (those integral parts of me that Yahweh Himself wove into the fabric of who I am) piece by piece for every-day-life. 

Through the years, from time to time, I have realized this was taking place and worked to correct my direction. Yet, after a while, I always seem to slip back into what has become my habit of busyness and - again - let go of who I really am...who I was made to be.

Why do we, in times of great distress, pressure, or hardship, let go of the one thing that will bring us peace? Don't we know that the things our heart longs for, the things that make us come alive, are the very things that He placed in us to do? These are the things He has gifted us with, to use for His glory and for our wholeness. He has already made the path; all we have to do is walk in it.

"Our inner selves wait [earnestly] for the Lord; He is our Help and our Shield. For in Him does our heart rejoice, because we have trusted (relied on and been confident in) His Holy Name. Let Your mercy and loving-kindness be upon us, in proportion to our wanting and hoping for You." Psalm 33:20-22

In proportion to our wanting and hoping for You...