Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Sometime in the 90's, '96 I think, I was at a music festival in Atlanta at the end of June. Needless to say, it was HOT; miserably so. But we were teenagers and didn't care. We were there on the first day of the four-day festival, excited to see our favorite bands play. It was Wednesday afternoon. We were in an amphitheater that was poured concrete with metal seats, kinda like bleachers, and it was uncovered. No shade. No trees. Blazing sun.

Of course the stage was covered, but if you play music, you know that playing outside is hot even if you're in the shade because you're basically doing an aerobic workout for at least a solid hour while you play your set.

So, Big Tent Revival was the first band to kick off the event. The crowd was sparse, because it always is at the beginning. The band was playing their hearts out though, because that's just what you do; you play every show like there are 20,000 people there.

The small crowd was less than responsive though, mostly due to the heat of the blazing sun, beating down on top of us, shining up into our eyes off the metal seats and the bright white concrete. But despite these rather unpleasant circumstances, Steve Wiggins, the lead singer/guitar player said something that I have never forgotten, and have lived my life by since. He said, "Hey guys, I know it's hot and you're all miserable, but we're hot too! We're giving everything we've got up here for you, and I just want you to know: It's only as fun as you make it."

It's so true; it's only as fun as you make it.

How fun are you making it?

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Progressively Better

"And so I was provoked (displeased and sorely grieved) with that generation, and said, They always err and are led astray in their hearts, and they have not perceived or recognized My ways and become progressively better and more experimentally and intimately acquainted with them..." (Hebrews 3:10, AMP)

I don't think anyone likes to be wrong. And no one likes to be told they are in error either. This passage in Hebrews 3 reminds us to look at the Israelites as our example... of what not to do. Verse 10 particularly struck me, especially the last half of it:

        "...they have not perceived or recognized My ways and become progressively better and more experimentally and intimately acquainted with them..."

I do not want to walk through my life on this earth without truly perceiving and recognizing Yahweh's ways. I want to "become progressively better" and "more experimentally and intimately acquainted" with who He really is - not who "religion" says He is. There is a difference. In other words, I do not wish to know who man thinks God is; I want to truly know Him.

It seems to me that the way to keep ourselves from being in error and led astray in our hearts is to seek His ways, to know them, thereby knowing Him, and see Him for who He truly is.

How is this accomplished? What are you doing to "become progressively better" and become more "experimentally and intimately acquainted" with Yahweh and His ways?

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Well, in light of all of the buzz about the "end of the world", I wanted to post this song. I've been listening to this song alot since the Memorial Celebration for my dad a couple of weeks ago. Though it may not be the end of the world for most of us, it will most certainly be the last day that many people have on this earth....possibly even someone you know or who is very close to you. Truly, life is but a vapor. When I look back over the decisions I've made over the past few years that my Daddy was still here in this realm, I am especially pleased that we were able to spend so much time together. I have no regrets. I miss him deeply, but I am at peace.

So, even if the world doesn't end today, are you making decisions you won't regret if today is your last day?

Sunday, July 15, 2012

No More Striving Alone

Let me paint a picture. You are sitting in a boat on a large lake. You have a goal, a certain place you want to be on the far side of the lake. You are rowing with all your might, trying, striving to get there, but these strong waves keep coming, crashing against the side of your boat, trying to make you veer off course. At this point, you have a choice; will you let the waves direct your course, or will you take authority over the situation, command the waves to be still, and reach your goal?

The far side of the lake represents goals, or dreams God has put on your heart. Maybe it is a short term goal, a seemingly small thing you want to accomplish.   Maybe it is a long term goal of ministry, or a dream God has shown you, of what He has for your life. When God has a plan for our lives, you can bet the enemy has his own plan, and it doesn't line up with God's plan for our lives. He wants to divert our path. He does this by bringing about circumstances that make our path difficult. Perhaps by trying to bring about sickness, or people who want to discourage you from your goal.

I am discovering the importance of moving in the Spirit. For years I have allowed the waves and winds of the world to influence me.  These come in the form of emotions and circumstances, seemingly beyond my control. I had a good example of how this works recently. There was an event planned, and close to the scheduled day, things began to go wrong. People were sick, people had car trouble, there was talk of rescheduling. Now, my old self would have just accepted that this meeting was just not to be, but something inside me told me that it was an important meeting, where mothers and children would get together and be encouraged, and uplifted, and learn and grow in relationships with each other, as well as relationship with God.

So I began to pray, and shared my feelings with a dear sister, and we joined in prayer and took dominion over the situation. As a result of our prayer, the meeting went on and no one was sick that day. We don't have to be helpless in this world and allow life to just happen to us. If God shows you something, continue, and pray, and see it to the end! Don't allow the difficult circumstances to overtake you. I don't want to be an infant it my faith (Eph 4:14). I want to see things happen, and prayer answered! I want to be strong, and an over-comer!

I have been reading in Ephesians 4 lately. It speaks of the body of Christ, and how we are given spiritual gifts to lift up each other, to come alongside each other and work together in Him! Are you striving alone in your boat? Get connected in a body, find a church where you can be taught, and grow, and be encouraged! Let others row alongside you. It's his plan! We aren't meant to strive on our own. I am so thankful for the church body where God has placed me. For their encouragement, for the hard word at times that makes me think, and grow into a better person, and for their prayers! Without their encouragement I know I would be the same person I was 10 years ago. But i am growing, and learning and overcoming things in my life!

So stop striving on your own! Let Holy Spirit, and the body of Christ come alongside you and help you in this world! Let Him show you clearly the things He has for you! Grow and learn and become a powerful force in Him, an over-comer! Get rid of your pride and share your struggle with the ones He has put in your path to encourage you and come alongside you, and see things happen! You will get rid of depression and loneliness and find hope and healing!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

"For though we walk (live) in the flesh, we are not carrying on our warfare according to the flesh and using mere human weapons. For the weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood], but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds, [Inasmuch as we] refute arguments and theories and reasonings and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God; we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One)..." 2 Corinthians 10:3-5

For a long time, I have thought of these verses in the context of "negative" thoughts, part of the sin nature in my flesh that needed to be brought into subjection to Y'shua: bad attitudes, bad habits, etc., that were strongholds in my life that kept me from experiencing all Holy Spirit had for me.

Holy Spirit has shown me another angle, however, in "leading every thought captive into the obedience of Christ".

For starters, every thought means just that: every thought. I realized that thoughts pass through my mind for a purpose, but I don't always readily recognize what that purpose is. I must "capture" every thought and take it to Y'shua, asking Him what I am to do with it. In doing so, I am offering myself, my time, my mind to Him and giving Him the opportunity to use me/move in me. People, places, pictures, memories flash through my mind all day long. How many of those things is He bringing to my mind so that I may intercede, that I may stand in the gap, that I may prophesy and see strongholds torn down in the Spirit? How may times do I miss that opportunity because I'm simply not paying attention?

I want to walk in the Spirit more than I walk in the flesh. I want to be connected to Yahweh all the time, every minute, always listening, always ready for battle. The first step to that kind of Spirit life is, I believe, taking all of the negative thoughts/attitudes and everything that is "fleshly" and "leading it captive to the obedience of Christ". In this way, I tear down strongholds and pride in myself. 

It follows then, that the second step to that kind of Spirit life is leading all of the other thoughts that are not necessarily "negative" or "personal" to Him as well: "Holy Spirit, I just thought of (________) - show me how you would have me pray for this/them....." Then take time out of whatever it is you're doing to pray in the Spirit and listen for Holy Spirit's directive.

After all, if I truly belong to Him, my life is not my own...

Thursday, June 21, 2012

On Daughters (and wives and mothers) and Confidence.

Recently I was talking to my six year-old daughter as she was lying in her bed. I looked down at her and was impressed to tell her that she is beautiful. In typical 6 year-old fashion, she replied, "I know." It welled up in me to express to her that I am glad she knows she is beautiful, and to tell her that there may come a day when someone may say something to her to make her feel like she is not beautiful, or that circumstances may come about that would try to make her feel like she is not pretty, but to always remember how YHWH feels about her, and remember what his Word says about her. The world wants to break us down, and life is hard, YHWH stays the same.

When I was around eleven or twelve years old I asked my mom if she thought I was pretty. Her reply to me was, "I think you're just a Plain Jane, like me." My feelings weren't hurt, and I didn't think she was being mean, I just thought she was being honest. I trusted her to tell me the truth because she was my mom. The problem is that her truth was warped by the way she felt about herself and how she had been spoken to as a child. Only now in my thirties have I begun to feel pretty and take on more of a style of my own and really care about how I look. I have been married for ten years to a fantastic husband who would tell me I was beautiful, but I just thought he just said it because he loved me so I was beautiful to him because of what he saw on the inside.

What really has made a change in me has been Holy Spirit working in me to feel more confident over the years. Then, with more confidence, I began running, lost some weight, started to work at how I dress more and take care of myself and began to receive compliments. I don't look any different now than I did 15 years ago (other than aged a bit, I imagine,) I have the same nose, same hair, same skin color and eyes. What I do have is confidence in the one who created me, and that shines through. Through obedience to Him, I feel better about myself. When we don't follow after the things He shows us to do, we can't feel good about ourselves because we have the guilt in our hearts that come with disobedience.

Disobedience comes in many forms. I was not in some big outward sin, and I imagine that to most people I appeared to be a godly person. For me, the main struggle is in attitudes of laziness, selfishness, unbelief and fear. When I make the choice to overcome these attitudes, and allow him to work through me, I can be a blessing to others and myself. I have a 9 year-old son with special needs who requires most things to be done for him. For years I was depressed because I felt sorry for myself. I had to learn to get over it, and be diligent in the things God has given me to do, and I am blessed in that. In reaching out to others, I minister to myself.

I want to see my daughter thrive in life, and be blessed and be a blessing to others. I can do that by being an example to her, praying for her, and building her up in the Word, teaching her how YHWH sees her, and teaching her obedience. I warn her of the things that may come against her, and equip her to stand up against them.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

We have a running joke in our family (as many people in our society do these days) about being prepared for the "Zombie Apocalypse". It's everywhere you look! People are picking up on it and capitalizing on the opportunity to make a buck off of it for sure. Now, for years we've had "zombie" video games, music, and movies, but now we have cell phone apps, t-shirts, stickers and magnets for your car, cartoons, music - you name it, all much more "mainstream" than it used to be.

Couple all of that with the recent stories in the news of people under the influence of drugs (and other forces, IMO) attacking people and trying to "eat" them, and your "Zombie Apocalypse" ratings are through the roof!

Since it's been on the front of my mind then, I've been meditating about the idea of being "walking dead", "twice dead", etc. Galatians 2:20 has been a favorite of mine since I was a teenager:

"I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I that live, but Christ living in me: 
and that life which I now live in the flesh I live in faith, the faith which is in the Son of God, 
who loved me, and gave himself up for me." Galatians 2:20 (ASV) 

So, in a way, I am the "walking dead", having crucified my flesh on the cross with Y'shua. In Him, I am "dead to sin but alive unto God" (Romans 6). I am to be dead to the world. I am to be dead to sin nature. I am to "put off" the old man and his deeds (Ephesians 4, Colossians 3). I am dead to sin but alive unto God. I really like that!

But there is a different sort of "walking dead" in the world today. They are the ones whose body is alive but whose spirit is "dead in trespasses and sin". They do not know the Messiah. They have not been made "alive unto God" through faith in Jesus Christ and His blood shed for them.

Which kind of "walking dead" are you?

I travel this realm as a walking dead man,
My heart filled with eternal longing....

Friday, June 8, 2012

So...I got a speeding ticket yesterday morning on the way to the prayer breakfast. Total bummer. I didn't realize what the speed limit was on the road I was on, and I was clocked at 13 MPH over the limit! The officer was super nice, and we actually had a nice little chat before we went on our way. I thanked him for doing his job, told him how much I appreciated him and his service to the community, and wished him a great day.

Interestingly enough, that's the second traffic citation I've received in the past month or so, and I've only ever had one other in my entire 19 year driving career (LOL!). Several weeks ago, I accidentally ran a red light at a busy intersection where a cop just happened to be sitting. He was very concerned for my safety, and said so over and over: "Ma'am, please be careful while you're driving - you really could've been hurt badly going through that intersection like that." I appreciated his concern. I hate that I had to pay so much money for his concern, but I appreciated it nonetheless. Again, I told him how much I appreciated him doing his job, thanked him for it, and wished him well.

Yes: I said I thanked them for doing their job, for stopping me and giving me a ticket. Why? Because I was wrong. I was not paying attention and I was wrong. 

No one likes to be pulled over and given a ticket. Sometimes we feel like it's not fair; sometimes we're just mad that we got caught. In both of these situations these men were working to ensure the safety of everyone on the road, because it's part of their job to do so. By driving along, oblivious to the things around me, I am a danger to my self and anyone I come across. When I push the speed limit as much as I can, zip through yellow lights because I don't want to stop and wait, or "slow down" at stop signs when I feel there is no real need to come to a complete stop, I run the risk of damaging myself and other people. Don't sit there all pious and judgmental - you know you do it too.

This experience has caused me to think about myself as a Leader, as well as one under the leadership of others. Bringing the whole scenario closer to home, as a Leader, I am one who has the oversight of others and the duty and responsibility to train, equip, and protect them. Now, don't get excited if you don't think I'm talking to you anymore: if you're a parent, you fit this bill! It is your job to train, equip, and sometimes protect those in your care, whether children or other servants in the King's house. You do this by imparting to them the knowledge you've gained from your experience, your studies, and the time you spent in training yourself. You use your better judgement to make a call, to correct, to shape, to prune - to do everything you can to make sure those in your care flourish and bear good fruit. When you correct them, you expect them to humbly receive the correction, listen to it, and grow by it.

On the other hand, as one under authority, it has caused me to question how I respond to correction. What do I do when those who are given oversight of me correct me? Do I humbly receive it and become changed by it? Or do I pay my fines and walk away undaunted, resolving only to be more careful about getting caught?

I certainly do pay more attention to the road now while I'm driving. I didn't realize just how many yellow lights I zipped through! Boy, I stop now - I don't care how late I am! And you can bet that I will pay more attention to the speed limit too - on all roads.

How about you? How do you respond to correction?

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

I've been meditating on relationships today, particularly the relationship between a husband and a wife.

For years I was frustrated in my marriage (and frustrating to my husband!) because I was trying to force something into being that was not meant to be. I have finally understood that the connection I need with my husband is different than what I always thought I wanted or needed from him. The problem has been that I did not receive my husband for who he is and needed to be to me. I was too busy trying to smash him into my idea of who he was and what I thought I needed. I wanted so badly for him to relate to me this "certain" way that I overlooked and rejected the ways he was trying to connect with me.

When you find yourself in that place of "dis-connect" with the person you're supposed to be spending the rest of your life with, it's easy to fall for the enemy's suggestions of loneliness, unhappiness, rejection, etc. And if you happen to come across someone of the opposite gender that you have an instant "connection" with on many levels, it can really unsettle you! It can also lead to all sorts of problems...

As I have come to know and understand my husband more completely, receive him, and allow him to be who he is and needs to be for me, I am finding that connection with him that I've so desperately longed for! It doesn't look like other connections with other people, but it is exactly what Yahweh purposed when He put Jason and me together. This relationship is shaping me into the woman Yahweh needs me to be, and I love that.

So, that's what I've been thinking about...

Let's re-boot this thing...

So...I created this blog a couple of years ago because I really have things on my mind that I'd like to share with others; for discussion, for encouragement, for learning and growing. I have been extremely sporadic with posting (!), however, I am now looking to be more consistent.

There are so many things that fly through my head on a daily basis: things that Holy Spirit has shown me, things about nutrition/exercise, things about parenting, things about homeschooling. It is my desire to share all of those things here with anyone who'd like to hear it!

I hope you will join me ;-)

Talk soon,


Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools...

I've never been very big into April Fools Day. I'm just not much of a practical joker I guess. But there is one April Fools Day that I will never forget, because it began a journey that would change the rest of my life: it was the best April Fools joke ever played...

It fell on a Sunday that year, which was 1995. I was 17 years old. My dad was a minister, and our family moved around the state of Georgia a good bit while I was growing up, going from church to church, doing the work we felt the Father had called our family to. And it was a "family" thing - my dad made sure that everybody was on the same page before he made a decision.

We were moving, which was dreadful, even though we'd done it plenty of times. It never became "fun". We were tired and it was the end of a long day. We pulled into the parsonage driveway and started unloading; luckily it was Sunday night, so the church folk who had gathered made their way down to the house and helped us unload!

And so began a series of interesting events - some of the most rewarding, horrifying, wonderful, and terrible things I have ever experienced. Our family was severely abused in that place - threats made to our lives; property vandalized, destroyed, and stolen; well water poisoned; awful rumors started about us - all the wonderful things that were promised to us upon coming were found to be a lies. We were even taken to court because some of the folk there didn't like my dad and wanted us to leave the church, which of course my dad simply would not do unless God released him to go. His stance was that Holy Spirit had sent him there: Holy Spirit would tell him when to leave. It soon became very clear to us that God had indeed brought this about in a manner that only He could have.

Yet in the midst of all of this, there were awesome things that happened in that place too. I began playing/writing music there. My brother and sister also started playing music, and we started our first band there. I started a drama team there and we took the drama team and the band all over the southeast, performing at youth events, venues, and festivals. We hosted music festivals there on the church property and in other places. We saw people come into the Kingdom through this ministry. I met my husband there, had my first child there. We met so many wonderful people and did so many amazing things during those years! We experienced a mighty move of Holy Spirit in our lives during that time.

It wasn't until much later that we began referring to this whole thing as "The best April Fools Joke ever played on us." And it was Father who was the prankster! If we had known all of the tragedy and hardship we would face, it's not likely we would've moved there: we lived at the beach for crying out loud! We could have been perfectly happy there forever!

The years spent in that place made me and my family who we are - who Father needed us to be to carry out His next assignment for us, which He released us to move on to in November of 2000. Some might think Him cruel or unloving to lead His children into circumstances where adversity or hardship are inevitable, but I don't think so. What we went through doesn't even come close to what Job went through- at least we still have each other.

I appreciate the Father's loving kindness, His preparation, His way. I trust Him to lead me where He wants me to be. I know that He will be with me even in distress and trouble. I may not know these things so assuredly had I not experienced His mighty saving hand and outstretched arm in those troubling times.

Now, every year when April Fools Day rolls around, I remember those last five years of the '90's, and I am thankful. I am honored to serve such a strong and mighty God, who will shape me and mold me into the person He needs me to be, however He sees fit.

It truly was the best April Fools joke ever.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


As I sit at my computer this morning, I am bothered by some situations in my life that involve people. Yes - people; not circumstances, not things, not events, but people.

I think the situations that deal with people are some of the most difficult. One of my biggest pet peeves is being misunderstood. I guess it's the teacher in me that wants all of the facts straight and out on the table for everyone to see! But I'm learning that, no matter how much explaining I may do- no matter how open and honest I am, there are some people who will be pre-disposed to misunderstanding me (!). There are some people that just will not like me, no matter how hard I try. There are some things that I just cannot control.

I am learning (again...) that, although people say they love you and accept you - unconditionally- what they really mean is, "As long as you are not too different from me; as long as your opinion is not ever the opposite of mine; as long as we don't disagree on the things that matter most to me, I'll accept you - unconditionally!"

It sounds kind of funny, but it's really true. Very few people can actually be friends with a person that is different than they are in some way. I know, I know - I should've learned this lesson in middle school...and high school...right? Perhaps. Than again, I'm not so sure I will ever trudge through a situation like this unscathed - unless I allow my heart to turn to stone, that is.

I'm reminded of a little acronym my dad uses all the time. He learned it years ago at a sales seminar: SW, SW, SW, SW. It means: "Some Will, Some Won't; So What- Somebody's Waiting."  Of course it's easy to see how that would apply to sales, but it really applies to every area of our lives. If we become stuck in the negative things that happen, we will never realize the positive. Sure - some people may not like you! They may say ugly things about you, assassinate your character for no reason, work to turn people against you and plant seeds of doubt in other's minds regarding you, but who cares?! SW, SW, SW, SW! If we learn to walk away from the situations (and sometimes, the people) that tear us down, we'll be able to see that "somebody" who is waiting and ready to tackle the world with us. We must surround ourselves with a support group of people who will truly help us on our life journey, not drain us emotionally and spiritually and wear us down.

So, I guess I just wanted to encourage anyone this morning who may be dealing with a tough situation. The stress and the emotional drain is so not worth it! Don't let the negative steal from you!

So much Scripture comes to mind to apply here, but the one that sticks out to me is I Peter 5:7, "Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully." (Amplified)

I hope everyone has a great day!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

I love new beginnings. Sometimes, it seems that starting over is the only way to get rid of the clutter and chaos that seems to accumulate no matter how I try to keep it under control. Change is an interesting - and often frustrating- process, yet it is one of my favorite aspects of life.

I have learned that sometimes change comes slowly. I don't always like to admit that, nor do I like to sit down and map out the process, especially if that process could possibly take days, weeks, months, or years to complete! I'd rather everything only take a few hours ;-)

Recently I was talking to some of my friends about organization and keeping up with chores and so on and so forth, and FLYlady (www.flylady.net) came up. I thank FLYlady for so many things, and even though I don't follow "her" routines anymore to the "t", I thank her for teaching me several very important things. The first is that it's okay for change to come slowly, bit-by-bit, over time. Changing too many things all at once sets you up to crash-and-burn over and over again, plus it's overwhelming. Change that lasts is the kind that changes you at your core: it changes your habits, your mind-set, and your entire thinking process. This kind of change comes in what FLYlady calls "baby-steps". I tend to want to take more of a "Clean-Sweep" approach to change, but this never sticks! I learned from FLYlady that I need to look at the big picture of the chaos that is my life, pick ONE thing I can change, and spend the next 30 days making a new habit and breaking an old one. Just ONE. Yes, it seems like it will take forever to get anywhere at that rate (!), but it really doesn't! I look back over the past 6 years since I met FLYlady, and I am amazed at how many things I've changed about myself and how much happier I am because of it!

The second thing that I learned from FLYlady was that "clutter" and "chaos" are heart issues. If you live in clutter and chaos on the outside, chances are there is alot of mental and emotional clutter and chaos that needs to be taken care of on the inside. It really is so true. You can work through those things in the same "baby-steps", changing one thing at a time. And you don't have to do it alone either: Proverbs 20:27 tells us that the Spirit of Yahweh will search the innermost parts of who we are and help us clear out that clutter too.

I think everybody has areas of their lives that need to change. I think that if we stop changing and growing, then we must be dead! I encourage you in this time when "resolutions" are being made and "change" is in the air, to diligently look at your self and set some goals for your life - spiritually, emotionally, physically - whatever. Not just because it's the "thing to do"at the dawn of the New Year, but because you really want to move your life in a better direction. Pick one thing at a time and change that. Once you've made a new habit, add another, and see lasting change make your life fuller and richer. Happy New Year!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Again...for the first time

Have you ever noticed that we get out of life what we put into it? Our jobs require us to give our best, our relationships ask that we give everything to them, our various duties and tasks demand our complete attention. It can be so exhausting! It seems that - sometimes - life gets in the way of life...

I remember when I was younger and full of dreams, vision, and excitement about the future, I promised myself that I would never lose these things. I vowed to "never grow up", if "growing up" meant that I must trade in my dreams for endless mundane tasks and banal duties. I had a goal, a direction for my life: I knew who I was in Christ and what He had made me for. But alas, as I entered into the world of marriage and family and being responsible for someone besides myself, I began to trade those dreams and visions (those integral parts of me that Yahweh Himself wove into the fabric of who I am) piece by piece for every-day-life. 

Through the years, from time to time, I have realized this was taking place and worked to correct my direction. Yet, after a while, I always seem to slip back into what has become my habit of busyness and - again - let go of who I really am...who I was made to be.

Why do we, in times of great distress, pressure, or hardship, let go of the one thing that will bring us peace? Don't we know that the things our heart longs for, the things that make us come alive, are the very things that He placed in us to do? These are the things He has gifted us with, to use for His glory and for our wholeness. He has already made the path; all we have to do is walk in it.

"Our inner selves wait [earnestly] for the Lord; He is our Help and our Shield. For in Him does our heart rejoice, because we have trusted (relied on and been confident in) His Holy Name. Let Your mercy and loving-kindness be upon us, in proportion to our wanting and hoping for You." Psalm 33:20-22

In proportion to our wanting and hoping for You...

Monday, August 2, 2010

Midnight Musing

I have so many things running through my head all the time! I want to share the things I learn with people because- if you are wise- you can learn from other people's experiences and mistakes. I want my life to count for something. I want to touch other people's lives and impact the world around me.

I truly hope that the things I write will do just that: impact the world around me. Welcome to Exoteric Meditation!

lydia k