Sunday, July 15, 2012

No More Striving Alone

Let me paint a picture. You are sitting in a boat on a large lake. You have a goal, a certain place you want to be on the far side of the lake. You are rowing with all your might, trying, striving to get there, but these strong waves keep coming, crashing against the side of your boat, trying to make you veer off course. At this point, you have a choice; will you let the waves direct your course, or will you take authority over the situation, command the waves to be still, and reach your goal?

The far side of the lake represents goals, or dreams God has put on your heart. Maybe it is a short term goal, a seemingly small thing you want to accomplish.   Maybe it is a long term goal of ministry, or a dream God has shown you, of what He has for your life. When God has a plan for our lives, you can bet the enemy has his own plan, and it doesn't line up with God's plan for our lives. He wants to divert our path. He does this by bringing about circumstances that make our path difficult. Perhaps by trying to bring about sickness, or people who want to discourage you from your goal.

I am discovering the importance of moving in the Spirit. For years I have allowed the waves and winds of the world to influence me.  These come in the form of emotions and circumstances, seemingly beyond my control. I had a good example of how this works recently. There was an event planned, and close to the scheduled day, things began to go wrong. People were sick, people had car trouble, there was talk of rescheduling. Now, my old self would have just accepted that this meeting was just not to be, but something inside me told me that it was an important meeting, where mothers and children would get together and be encouraged, and uplifted, and learn and grow in relationships with each other, as well as relationship with God.

So I began to pray, and shared my feelings with a dear sister, and we joined in prayer and took dominion over the situation. As a result of our prayer, the meeting went on and no one was sick that day. We don't have to be helpless in this world and allow life to just happen to us. If God shows you something, continue, and pray, and see it to the end! Don't allow the difficult circumstances to overtake you. I don't want to be an infant it my faith (Eph 4:14). I want to see things happen, and prayer answered! I want to be strong, and an over-comer!

I have been reading in Ephesians 4 lately. It speaks of the body of Christ, and how we are given spiritual gifts to lift up each other, to come alongside each other and work together in Him! Are you striving alone in your boat? Get connected in a body, find a church where you can be taught, and grow, and be encouraged! Let others row alongside you. It's his plan! We aren't meant to strive on our own. I am so thankful for the church body where God has placed me. For their encouragement, for the hard word at times that makes me think, and grow into a better person, and for their prayers! Without their encouragement I know I would be the same person I was 10 years ago. But i am growing, and learning and overcoming things in my life!

So stop striving on your own! Let Holy Spirit, and the body of Christ come alongside you and help you in this world! Let Him show you clearly the things He has for you! Grow and learn and become a powerful force in Him, an over-comer! Get rid of your pride and share your struggle with the ones He has put in your path to encourage you and come alongside you, and see things happen! You will get rid of depression and loneliness and find hope and healing!

1 comment:

Mir said...

Great word Tressa!